Friday, May 24, 2013

Social Networking Project For school Final


I personally have a Facebook for myself as well as the business I work for. I think that the Facebook is a great free tool for small businesses to advertise. You can easily reach friends, customers and locals within the comfort of their home, computer and mobile device. I try to post at least once a day without being Too annoying or "Spam-like." One thing you have to be cautious of is to keep your personal life separate from the business page. However, i personally post many pictures of myself wearing eye-wear from our business and attract a good amount of people that way as well. It's all about being professional & fun!

  •  Not everyone is on Facebook.
  • People think of Facebook of more a social network.
  • Some people are anti-Facebook and have a negative connotation to it.
  • People who are on Facebook don't check it everyday.
  • Some people are on Facebook don't interact with it.

#2. BLOG
Having a company blog in which people can subscribe to via email. I subscribe to a couple of company's blogs. It's a great way to communicate with your customers in a friendly manner without being to pushy upon selling something. I think it's more of a way to get good feedback and also, post your personal opinion. People can then write comments to your posts and feel like they have a better relationship with the blogger. It's user friendly, and eye catching, easy to navigate and view pictures. It creates loyalty with users because they look forward to future posts.

  • People don't check their e-mail everyday.
  • Some people think of a daily blog as Spam.
  • If the person doesn't keep the blog up-to-date, it can get boring.

10 Things I didn't know about paid ad inclusions
  1. There are 3 different ad inclusions called organic, natural and editorial.
  2. Google Shopping used to be called Froogle.
  3. Microsoft, and yahoo all have paid inclusion programs, and now Google.
  4. The US Federal Trade Commission has specific guidelines for paid inclusions.
  5.  Paid inclusions make money for search engines.
  6. paid inclusions cost less than advertising.
  7. There is a difference between paid inclusion and paid placement.
  8. The difference between paid inclusion ads and paid placed ads are: the inclusions are massed together all being paid for and the paid placed ads are intermingled among paid and most viewed ads.
  9. Google denies having paid inclusions when really they do , they just call it by another name.
  10. Search engines are making big money by catering to corporate big companies who have lots of money to literally buy their way up to the top.

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