Retro is IN!
I can't tell you how many young adults come into the office requesting Big, Bold and Black eye-wear! They want to make a statement with their glasses. I see kids walking around the mall wearing fake glasses for fun! Why? Because, glasses are COOL! There I said it-The eye-wear industry has come a long way in recent years offering a variety of shapes, colors and sizes and styles available. However with that being said, Kids these days know what they want. They want that iconic frame that they see on TV or in the movies. You know, That One. Well I'm not about to name drop, or give you style codes. But i can tell you that the media has a way of getting into these digital-friendly generation's minds, and practically telling them what's cool.
On the contrary, I have found some adults also want to delve into these retro styles. Some of them put on a frame and say, "Wow, i look like my mom/dad!" or "OMG this reminds me of 5th grade!" (why is it always 5th grade? Was it That traumatizing) Some people embrace it by bringing that retro style back with Vengeance! They want that Cat eye, horn rimmed, Buddy Holly, Clark Kent Look. I salute you for being brave and going against the norm. After all, the styles Do change from year to year, so stick with what works for you.
I have had some people come in with Authentic Vintage frames, You know, back when eye-wear was actually made in America!? 50 years later the frame is still in good condition! You can find Vintage frames at Antique shops and second hand stores, but be careful Most are Not Rx-able. Our office recently picked up a collection of Authentic retro frames by Bucci Sunglasses. They are classic shapes and styles that are unique and hard to come by! That one frame your mom wore back in 1990 is now available! Many new frame designers are creating a separate line designated to highlight these backdated styles. These styles are classic and not going away anytime soon! I love these retro styles and look forward to many more revamped designs!